Thursday, February 13, 2025

Warzone Atlanta 2025 Report: Winning Best Overall

Warzone Atlanta has always been a special event for me. Warzone is one of the longest running Warhammer 40,000 GT events in the southeastern United States. I have attended many times over the years and have had the fortune to win Best Sportsmanship twice in 2017 and 2021 and Best Overall in 2020. 

Warzone has a very unique event culture which focuses on celebrating the hobby on the whole. Their major awards every year include Warmaster (player with the best record in their games), Best Painted, Best Sportsmanship, and the main award Best Overall which is a combination of your results on the table in games, your paint score, and your Sportsmanship scores. It really is a celebration of the entire Warhammer hobby. The people that attend this event are always incredible competitors and hobbyists while also being amazing people to play against.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Weekly Recap: Circle City Championship Series RTT and Warzone Atlanta Prep

It's been a busy couple of weeks here as we faced a monumental snowstorm in the southeastern U.S. We ended up having over 7" of snow here at our house. and because our area isn't really prepared to deal with such, we have essentially been stuck inside for a few days (when we haven't gone out to play in the snow at least.) Prior to the great snowstorm of 2025, I did manage to attend an RTT this past weekend at our local FLGS, Geekz Haven in Dothan, AL which was a lot of fun.

My Blood Angels Liberator Assault Group List

Monday, January 6, 2025

2025 - Going into The Grimdark New Year

Well it’s a new year and I am once again resolving to try to use this blog to record my thoughts on Warhammer 40,000 as well as track my progress in events, hobbying, and just my overall experience as a player. So, let’s talk about how 2024 went for me.

Circle City Championship RTT Series: This year our club Scions of War started a local monthly RTT series. We ran 2 seasons and held tournaments every month at our local FLGS Geekz Haven in Dothan, AL. I managed to win 2 of them and podium in all of the ones I played in. My overall record at the RTTs I attended was 14-1 running both Eldar and my Blood Angels. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Warhammer 40,000 Crusade - The Awakening - Part 1

 Campaign Background

The Ghoul Stars system sits on the eastern fringes of the galaxy.  A lost frontier region of space beyond most of the oversight of the Imperium at large and home to the Night Paladins chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.  These mysterious warriors patrol a lonely region of space in an effort to protect incursions from Xenos and Chaos forces alike.

Lord Commander Atrix Vexerius leads the 2nd Chamber of the Night Paladins into battle

Friday, January 1, 2021

Introduction to The Arx Angelicum


Welcome to The Arx Angelicum Blog. I'm Robert Chandler, an avid Blood Angels fan and 40k player. I've created this blog as a project for 2021 for a variety of reasons. Mostly to keep up with my hobby progress, opine on 40k in general, and as a personal outlet for myself.  

I've been playing Warhammer 40,000 for many years. I jumped back into the hobby in 5th edition after a long break from the hobby.  I've written for Frontline Gaming, created a Grand Tournament (Come the Apocalypse GT) as well as a podcast around it. I'm the South Regional Rep for the United States with the ITC (Independent Tournament Circuit) and I founded our local club, Scions of War, in the Dothan, Alabama wiregrass region. Additionally I'm on the Dangli Boyz 40k team and occasionally pop into their 40k podcast as well as make appearances on the Dangli Boyz YouTube channel.

Warzone Atlanta 2025 Report: Winning Best Overall

Warzone Atlanta has always been a special event for me. Warzone is one of the longest running Warhammer 40,000 GT events in the southeastern...